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ForzaDash State of the MSP and IT Vendor Communities 2020 Report


ForzaDash State of the MSP stays true to its slogan: “The #1 way to develop your MSP Channel” as it made it its mission to help MSPs grow by providing tools and quality partners.  ForzaDash compiled its first annual report on its +6,000 MSP Community.  Click here to download the report.


Connecting IT Vendors with MSPs since 2015

What is a Managed Service Provider (MSP)?

This is a technology solution provider who sells software and/or hardware to their end customers but also utilizes these products to manage various IT infrastructure and/or applications of those customers. In effect, they resell the products and use these products to support their clients as well.

MSPs were frustrated with vendors for reasons such as selling directly to the MSPs clients, bidding against MSPs on their clients, treating MSPs likes a sales team instead of a partner, too complicated or too technical marketing materials used, and treating the MSP like a VAR, which is quite offensive to many.

To succeed, the vendor has to know how MSPs operate to maximize its potential and appreciate the results that they will get from using it.

MSPs Grow with ForzaDash

CWDash and KasDash are the two applications under ForzaDash that provide great tools that enable easier and more cost-effective management of the IT of their customers. Both platforms are FREE to MSPs because these are sponsored-based business intelligence apps under ConnectWise Manage On-Premise or in-the-Cloud and Kaseya. You can gain access to customized and real-time dashboards if you choose to subscribe to either of these two apps.

As of date, the 6000+ MSPs in the ForzaDash Community are divided as follows: 83% CWDash users, 4% KasDash users, and 13% use both. Also, MSP members of this community have the following benefits:

  • Collaborate with peers about solutions & vendors
  • Continue to innovate and add new features to apps
  • Attend workshops to discuss updates and roadmaps
  • Receive the eNewletters to stay “top of mind” with updates and tips & tricks


Top 11 MSP Traits of the 2020 ForzaDash Community

Based on the 2020 ForzaDash State of the MSP Community report, here are the best 11 traits that represent last year’s community:

  1. ANNUAL REVENUE: Nearly 5000 MSPs earned three million or less.
  2. AVERAGE CLIENT ENGAGEMENT: 40% have maintained a relationship with their clients for four years or more.
  3. NUMBER OF CLIENTS/BUSINESSES THEY SUPPORT: Over 3000 of the ForzaDash MSPs manage 21 or more clients/businesses
  4. NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 96% of MSPs employ less than 100 people but, as a group, they have close to 159,000 employees. And 196,000 work for all ForzaDash MSPs.
  5. YEAR ESTABLISHED: Close to 90% of the MSPs have been in business for 10 years or more. 61% opened their doors between 2000 and 2010 with almost 1900 in 2009 alone.
  6. GEOGRAPHY: ¾ of the MSPs operate out of North America.
  7. TECHNOLOGY OFFERING: More than half of the MSPs offer backup, consulting, desktop & laptop support, disaster recovery, managed services, and security.
  8. ANTICIPATED GROWTH IN 2020: 87% (>5200) of the MSPs will experience moderate or better growth.
  9. NUMBER OF ENDPOINTS MANAGED: 3000 of the ForzaDash MSPs manage between 750,000 to 3M endpoints.
  10. NUMBER OF VERTICAL MARKETS SERVED: According to the Datto’s 2019 State of the MSP Report, 56% of global MSPs specialize in a specific vertical. Of this group, the most popular are healthcare, finance, and legal. The same is true for half of the ForzaDash MSPs.
  11. MARKETS SOLD TO: 90% of the MSPs’ revenue comes from Small Medium Businesses (SMB).


Sponsors Help MSPs Grow 

ForzaDash helps MSPS develop and grow their business by giving access to high-quality potential partners through vendor-sponsored ads displayed in CWDash and KasDash.


Vendors Build Their Sales Channel and Revenue with ForzaDash

ForzaDash is a marketing-as-a-service of the vendor to the MSP channel community. If you want to know more, check the specifics here.


ForzaDash MSP Community Key Takeaways

  • The majority of the MSPs and their customers are SMBs.
  • Over half manage 21 or more clients.
  • 96% employ less than 100 people but, as a group, they have close to 159,000 employees. And 196,000 work for all ForzaDash MSPs.
  • More than half offer backup, consulting, desktop & laptop support, disaster recovery, managed services, and security.
  • 87% (5200) will experience moderate or better growth in the coming year.
  • 3,000 manage between 750,000 and 3M endpoints.
  • The most popular verticals for half are healthcare, finance, and legal.
  • The Community is a good one-stop partner source for vendors planning to build a sales channel.
  • Vendors can use ForzaDash to recruit MSP partners.
  • Vendor Sponsors have generated $1.3 million in revenue in the last month of 2019.


Click here to download the report.


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