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Marketing to MSPs: Top 5 Tips for Creating Great Assets for MSPs



The purpose of the Sponsor’s marketing asset is to get the attention of the MSP with your service. Typically a PFD document. Creating a marketing asset for MSPs is a vital beginning in developing relationships with MSPs and TSPs. Here we have compiled a list of points to consider when creating an asset for MSPs.

Does the Title Pop?

What’s in a name? Everything! The very first thing to consider is the title of the asset. This is what will garner immediate interest from the MSP. Here are some examples of titles that will get the attention of an MSP:


  1. Top X Secrets MSP benefit/profit from YYY
  2. X Ways MSPs help their clients with YYY
  3. Security: X things MSPs should know
  4. How MSPs Increase profits: X secrets about Y
  5. X Top traits of Inspiring MSP Leaders
  6. X Steps for MSP profitability with Y
  7. X Hidden IT Costs That Impact MSP Profitability
  8. X Hot Ways to Address Your MSP Y Challenges
  9. X Simple Ways MSP Bosses Can Reduce Stress at Work
  10. X guaranteed ways to grow your MSP with Y
  11. X Common MSP mistakes that are killing the success of X
Is the content relevant to MSPs?

Know your audience. You must understand an MSPs’ pain points before you can offer the right remedy.

As a Vendor in the IT Industry, you should be well aware of the struggles and needs of an MSP, keeping in mind that like the ever-changing IT landscape, there are ever-changing needs of an MSP.


Does the material give the MSP a “Quick Win”?

Will the MSP feel like they’ve learned something? After consuming the material that you have to offer, will they walk away having gained something of value?



Is the Marketing asset layout and design easy to read? Is it enjoyably consumable? Is it too much or not enough? For example, one-page infographics do not give the MSP enough while 10-page documents most often won’t be read.



Will the MSP understand who is giving this “Quick Win”? When the MSP is looking for a need to be fulfilled, will you be the one that comes to mind?


MSPs demand many things from Vendors. We have compiled the top 5 items demanded by MSPs from Vendors.

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